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  • Writer's picturePatrick Mills


All I want for Christmas is a cure for Parkinson's.

I have been thinking about an appropriate message that is relevant for Christmas and Parkinson's.

The most obvious link is that it is a very stressful time with too much food and drink. I know I face a couple of weeks of feeling slightly bilious all the time, no doubt Parkies will derail me as well - stress and parkies aren't great bedfellows.

Let's face it the whole run up is pretty ghastly - particularly when the Christmas favourites play list seems to be on everywhere. Buying presents is almost impossible as everyone has everything.

There's a load of stuff happening in the world right now, as we know well enough: the cost of living crisis and how that juxtaposes with the groaning tables of festive fayre in the supermarket adverts. And the hoardes of shoppers in central London salivating over all the luxury goods.

Perhaps a wider piece about war, peace on earth, the recovery from the pandemic, the economy, homelessness and climate change. All such critical issues in the world that we all need to be engaged in, however I didn't want to be a scrooge like figure, or holier than thou. 

Christmas is a lovely time to hunker down with friends and family and have some R&R and reflect on our times before plunging back into the new year and the bleak mid winter.

All the while remembering what it is all about: feasting, drinking, watching TV of course.

And the birth of Jesus.

I don't think he'd mind us taking a moment to breathe, relax and enjoy a celebratory feast.

As an aside, I was supposed to be born on Christmas Day, but was induced so I didn't spoil the festivities. If I had been on time who knows how history might have turned out.

I will be toasting the birth of Jesus with a delicious Martini, shaken (obviously) and not stirred.

Have a very happy and peaceful Christmas.

Thanks to Ian Skelton for the special effects on the martini glass

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Dec 16, 2023

Thank you for reminding me what this holiday can be. The idea of R&R sounds so enticing, I hope to be able to get pass the frenzy at the start and get to the calm part soon.


Unknown member
Dec 12, 2023

Patrick, it's a very tricky time for many of us, even in more normal times. I don't like it at all but this year, in view of the sudden loss of my sister, I can't even take it in. As you say, there are so many more important things to be focusing on. I do, however, like the look of your martini and think you can enjoy those at any time, regardless of Jesus. By the way, nobody knows when he was born. The festival is a pre-Christian midwinter festival which Christianity has appropriated. Just as they did with Easter which a festival to celebrate the fertility goddess, Oestre. Hence all those chicks and eggs!


Caryl Jones
Caryl Jones
Dec 12, 2023

Beautifully expressed Paddy. Wishing you a happy and stress free Christmas. Caryl x

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